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ong Snake raised his hand to calm him down, “So the six tribes are not allowed to intervene, and we, the world masters, are left alone to solve it on our own. The reason why I was hurt this time is not because of their Weaving Emperor Realm, but It’s because of Shadow City. The people of Golden Crown Winter have gone after the assassins of Shadow City. At this time, they have killed thirteen fifth-level immortals, and they have avenged me.”

ong Snake raised his hand to calm him down, “So the six tribes are not allowed to intervene, and we, the world masters, are left alone to solve it on our own. The reason why I was hurt this time is not because of their Weaving Emperor Realm, but It’s because of Shadow City. The people of Golden Crown Winter have gone after the assassins of Shadow City. At this time, they have killed thirteen fifth-level immortals, and they have avenged me.”
Hearing this, Lin Xin. Also speechless.
Indeed, in this way, Bihushan has fulfilled its role as the head sect of the sect.
Since Master said it was caused by the karmic hatred left behind when he was young, what else is there to say. It’s fine if it’s directed at outsiders, but how can sect members allow outsiders to bully them.
But since both sides are members of the same sect, it’s difficult to handle.
/After the two chatted with Long Snake for a while, they left the hall separately.
Before Lin Xin left, Dragon Snake asked him to go to the Fire Hall behind him.
It is just right to feel the spiritual fire now.
Lin Xincai broke through the bottleneck of the Earth Immortal and ascended to a new level. At this time, he could fully comprehend the spiritual fire and get the benefits.
The spiritual fire in the Fire Hall was also smelted into all the cultivation techniques of Dragon Snake, including the Fire Cloud Technique.
“Are your people ready?”
Inside the Fire Hall, there are rows of huge braziers arranged in rows. Each brazier inside burns a kind of fire with different colors and properties.
Some are bursting, some are restless, some are gentle, some are quiet, colorful and have different breaths.
But at this time Lin Xin went in and walked around, then came out again.
In his current state of mind, he couldn’t feel anything at all. Even if you feel it, you can’t calm down to experience the memory, it’s just a waste of time.
/In another small world of Bihu Mountain.
The mountains and rivers are covered with ice and snow, and countless rivers are shining with silver, shining in the sun.
If you look closely, you will see that all these rivers are not flowing water, but heavy and reflective mercury!
The top of the tallest mountain in the whole small world.
The entire top of the mountain was cut off and turned into a complete hospitality platform.
Monks with eight arms come and go here, rising and falling.
The owner is an old man with eight hands and wearing a snow-white cloak.
He was wearing a platinum crown and had a kind face. He was holding a glass of wine and chatting and laughing with other guests.
There was a large banquet on the top of the mountain, and delicacies were placed on long and well-proportioned tables.
From a small oval wine pool, fragrant wine continuously gushes out. There were monks and guests around who kept coming forward to receive wine.
The eight-armed maids changed the dishes that had been taken from time to time, passing back and forth like running water, dressed in tulle and with graceful postures.
“Master Zhi