27 Jul, 2024

Charlie Executive didn’t know what they were for, but he could vaguely guess that the little boss was trying to create something strange.

Charlie Executive didn’t know what they were for, but he could vaguely guess that the little boss was trying to create something strange. Thousands of patents in the patent library were sorted by importance, and the top 100 patents were numbered. Just one of those items is enough to make an ordinary person join the […]

3 mins read

the entire world of Narnia.

the entire world of Narnia. From this forbidden magic alone, he can realize how powerful the White Witch is. So, why is the difficulty rating of this exam C-level! ? Yin Kuang couldn’t figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it for the time being and pressed the headset, “Hello? Can you hear me?” […]

3 mins read

with the underworld and enter the body to gain the power to display the magical powers of the worshiped gods. The witchcraft gained through practice is running in the soul.

with the underworld and enter the body to gain the power to display the magical powers of the worshiped gods. The witchcraft gained through practice is running in the soul. One of the two pursues the surging power in flesh and blood, and the other pursues the mighty power in the soul. They are basically […]

3 mins read

t high altitude were all caused by Wesker.

t high altitude were all caused by Wesker. Positive personality labels such as “generous” and “kind” obviously cannot be applied to Wesker. This time King Ada caused him to almost die. How could he give up? He would definitely want to settle the score with King Ada. Needless to say, this account must be paid […]

3 mins read

“In addition, our mission is to chase those guys. Not to kill them. We are just to dispel the other party’s suspicion. We must not let the other party know that we already know their destination.” Hughes looked to the north and said: “Do it well Let’s do our part! Let’s go and keep chasing!”

“In addition, our mission is to chase those guys. Not to kill them. We are just to dispel the other party’s suspicion. We must not let the other party know that we already know their destination.” Hughes looked to the north and said: “Do it well Let’s do our part! Let’s go and keep chasing!” […]

3 mins read


am?” Tang Rouyu led Zhao Yun to the unconscious Madam Mi. After checking, Zhao Yun blew a whistle , the white dragon horse galloped over. Looking at the wounds on Bailong’s horse, a trace of regret flashed in Zhao Yun’s eyes, but he still put Mrs. Mi on Bailong’s horse, “Bailong, it’s time to work.” […]

3 mins read