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been arrested. Based on the intelligence provided by their Hong Kong counterparts, the Criminal Investigation Bureau successfully arrested three Hong Kong and Mainland criminal suspects suspected of smuggling and selling firearms at the port, and seized a batch of disassembled gun accessories. As soon as they were arrested, the Criminal Investigation Bureau immediately organized police forces to follow the clues to track down and seize the guns and ammunition they had previously smuggled and sold.

been arrested. Based on the intelligence provided by their Hong Kong counterparts, the Criminal Investigation Bureau successfully arrested three Hong Kong and Mainland criminal suspects suspected of smuggling and selling firearms at the port, and seized a batch of disassembled gun accessories. As soon as they were arrested, the Criminal Investigation Bureau immediately organized police forces to follow the clues to track down and seize the guns and ammunition they had previously smuggled and sold.
Gun cases, like murder cases and drug cases, are major cases!
/Air guns are already very harmful, not to mention standard pistols. Once they enter the society and get into the hands of criminals, the consequences will be disastrous.
Just after listening to the report of Criminal Investigation Director Wang Dong, the Narcotics Investigation Bureau and Anbao Branch of the Hong Kong Police Force called again. The three Hong Kong suspects in the 4.25 case have entered the country. They are most likely to go to the paint factory where marijuana is grown. It is equally possible. Liaise with mainland drug dealers who supply them with methamphetamine.
The provincial department and the Hong Kong authorities attached great importance to this drug case. As soon as Han Bo hung up the phone, he asked the Criminal Investigation Bureau for a car with local license plates and immediately rushed to the handling point of the 4.25 task force and the nearby industrial surveillance paint factory. District old factory building.
Wang Dapeng, deputy captain of the branch’s anti-narcotics brigade, was away, and the only ones left behind were Chen Ming, deputy captain of the criminal police force, and another criminal police officer.
Han Bo took the telescope and while observing the activities in the paint factory, asked in a low voice: “Those three Hong Kong people haven’t come here?”
/“One of the suspects growing marijuana here is named Qin Likang. He is the cousin of one of the Hong Kong people. , today is his mother’s 70th birthday. Dozens of tables have been set up, and three Hong Kong people are drinking birthday wine at his house.” Chen Ming clicked the mouse, brought up a photo, and turned the laptop around, “Han Bureau, look, This is what Lao Wang just passed on. All three Hong Kong people are here, and they also gave Qin Likang’s mother a golden Buddha.”
“It’s quite generous.”
“They are drug dealers, and they have a lot of money.”
Chen Ming paused, and then Said: “But I think their coming here this time is not just for birthday wishes. Huang Kun and Qin Likang are cousins, and the other two are not related to Qin Likang. Even if the accomplices have an unusual relationship with each other, there is no need to come together. I’m sure I have other things.”
Han Bo put down the telescope and muttered: “There is a batch of marijuana that is almost mature. Maturity does not mean that it can be sold. It needs to be processed at the most basic level. The two people in the factory are obviously too busy. They have Isn’t it poss