3 mins read

else, just eat. That woman Hillary wants to save face, so the food she prepares must taste good. Now change Get dressed, I’ve got someone to help you get ready,”

else, just eat. That woman Hillary wants to save face, so the food she prepares must taste good. Now change Get dressed, I’ve got someone to help you get ready,”
Trump replied.
In a private Trump apartment, he changed into a white suit, the stylist helped him fix his hair, and then went directly to the InterContinental Hotel in Times Square.
In Times Square today, there are obviously many more police officers and police cars than usual. There is a long black motorcade parked on the roadside, with American flags and presidential flags on the cars.
Among them, two Cadillac extended-version bulletproof vehicles had exactly the same license plate, both Washington, D.C., 800002.
The presidential motorcade of the United States consists of approximately twenty-seven vehicles, while the vice-president’s motorcade usually has sixteen vehicles, plus many motorcycles clearing the way.
To ensure the president’s safety, there were helicopters hovering in the sky, and New York Police Department police and Secret Service security personnel could be seen everywhere.
Anyone who is an American knows that the President must have not strictly checked the entrance to the InterContinental Hotel here
. But after going upstairs to the floor where the charity gala was held, as soon as the elevator opened, he saw more than a dozen men in black standing at the entrance of the venue to verify the identities of the guests. .
/Trump and Clinton were both members of a private golf course. Most of these Secret Service agents knew Trump. He walked over and took out the invitation from his inner pocket and introduced his wife and children.
Hillary did not specifically request that she could only come alone, so Ivanka and the others could also attend.
“This is Han Xuan. You must know each other, right? He will also attend tonight.”
Trump didn’t bother to mention the invitation. Han Xuan came to Hillary’s banquet, and there was no way Hillary would not let him in.
A supervisor from the Presidential Secret Service looked at Han Xuan, nodded and said, “You are very welcome, please come in. But there is no need to bring these bodyguards with you. It is very safe inside. I will take them next door to have something to eat.”
“Okay. ”
Han Xuan turned around and said to Gabriel and the others: “You also heard it, I will come back to you later.”
/As he walked in, he looked at these Secret Service personnel.
Regarding the nature of their work, the gossip media had already revealed everything, which made Han Xuan feel amazing.
After the assassination of former US President John F. Kennedy, the Secret Service, responsible for protecting the head of state, initiated a revolutionary change in security practices.
Nowadays, when the President of the United States goes on tour, the protective measures around him are like iron walls. According to rumors, there is a special force that follows President Clinton all year round. It has powerful firepower enough to conquer a small country.
Whenever the White House holds a rally, Bill Gat