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to divert everyone’s attention, Wang Bo had an idea and simply muddied the water. He loudly called Lin Wenjian and Tang Jian, who were hiding aside and talking about something, to quickly invite the beauties in the room to dance. After passing this village, there is no such store.

to divert everyone’s attention, Wang Bo had an idea and simply muddied the water. He loudly called Lin Wenjian and Tang Jian, who were hiding aside and talking about something, to quickly invite the beauties in the room to dance. After passing this village, there is no such store.
Tang Jian is also a fun-loving person. He was embarrassed to hold Wang Bo’s two girlfriends, Liang Ya and Sun Li, by holding their hands or hugging their waists. However, all the classmates in the class had no psychological pressure. After hearing Wang Bo’s call, , immediately licked his face and invited Liao Xiaoqing, who was sitting next to him.
/Liao Xiaoqing naturally accepted it happily.
Then, Lin Wenjian also started to invite his former deskmate Li Yang.
So, before the climax of the song came, there were three pairs of men and women dancing in the open space in front of the TV. This made Wang Bo, who was frightened and didn’t know how Han Lin would “fuck him,” feel somewhat relieved.
After all, Han Lin did not lose her mind and dared to risk the disapproval of the world and dance some kind of “face-to-face dance” with Wang Bo in public. However, she took advantage of others’ unpreparedness and secretly grabbed two handfuls of the soft flesh around Wang Bo’s waist to vent her inner feelings. Even though she was depressed, she still dared to do it.
/In the rest of this afternoon, the two men from science and engineering, Lin Wenjian and Tang Jian, had a great time. They took turns inviting the beauties in the room to dance, including Wang Bo’s three girlfriends, and they were not invited once. When rejected, everyone simply agreed. In this ordinary KTV private room, there are gathered some of the most beautiful beauties from the entire class of 2001 in Sifang Middle School. The quality of the beauties from the class of 2001 is well-known among the boys from previous generations and is difficult to surpass.
As the remaining three men, Wang Bo is undoubtedly the most popular one. Unfortunately, with one real girlfriend, two “semi-real” girlfriends, and three “not real” girlfriends at all, Wang Bo, who was dancing with the girls, felt like he was stepping on a tightrope. No matter who she danced with, he could feel several pairs of eyes staring at him from behind, watching his every move. This made him dare not move at all, not to mention raising and lowering his hands, biting his ears more intimately, and not daring to whisper. He was extremely gentlemanly and gentlemanly, but at the same time he felt extremely uncomfortable, as if he was suffering a living punishment.
On January 29, Wang Bo put Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui on a direct flight from Chengdu to the United States.
Then, in the remaining days until school started, he would take turns staying with his girlfriends Sun Li, Han Lin, Liao Xiaoqing, and Zeng Siqi. He would stay with you today and her tomorrow to make up for the debt he owed to his girlfriends.
In the company, Han Lin and Liao Xiaoqing were okay. After all, they were studying in the same city as Wang