3 mins read

ng time, Yanzi? There was no pharmacy near the hotel, so I walked for almost a kilometer. You eat something first, and then take the medicine.” Wang Bochong smiled at Zheng Yan who was lying on the bed, and put the things in his hands Place it on your bedside table.

ng time, Yanzi? There was no pharmacy near the hotel, so I walked for almost a kilometer. You eat something first, and then take the medicine.” Wang Bochong smiled at Zheng Yan who was lying on the bed, and put the things in his hands Place it on your bedside table.
Zheng Yan was surprised and pushed herself up from the bed. Wang Bo’s entry surprised and confused her, and she couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Wang, how did you get in? Did you leave the door open just now?”
“Stupid! When you went out just now, you didn’t notice that the power stopped in the room. ?I exchanged the room card with you so that you don’t have to get up and open the door for me when I come back later. Grandma, the surrounding scenery is too good or bad, and the supporting facilities are poor. I have to run to find a pharmacy. Hey, hey, hey, don’t move for a long time, let me help you up. Your sick look is so uncomfortable!” Wang Bo glanced at the girl lovingly, and when he saw the girl struggling to get up from the bed, he hurriedly He went up to help, helped the other person sit up, and put a pillow on the girl’s back.
When she saw Wang Bo again, he looked nervous again. He also bought her medicine and porridge. The thoughts of being exiled and abandoned that she had felt not long ago were suddenly wiped out by a strong wave of ashes. Replaced by deep emotion.
“Thank you, Mr. Wang.” Zheng Yan looked at Wang Bo and said emotionally. Thinking that she must have looked ugly before washing her face and mouth, she felt a little embarrassed, so she hurriedly got out of bed and whispered, “I, I “You haven’t washed your face and rinsed your mouth yet.”
/“Okay, let’s wash your face and rinse your mouth first. You sit down and I’ll twist the towel for you.” Wang Bo said.
“It’s okay, Mr. Wang, I can do it.” Zheng Yan stood up, perhaps because she was in a hurry and didn’t have breakfast, the world was spinning and swaying all of a sudden. Wang Bo hurriedly took the other person’s arm to steady him, and said somewhat accusingly:
“You, don’t be brave. Sit down. You are a patient today, and you listen to me in everything, okay?”
He looked at the tall figure walking towards the bathroom. Go, Zheng Yan felt that her eyes seemed to be a little wet.
Wang Bo quickly left and returned, holding a toothbrush filled with toothpaste and two octagonal cups, one filled with half a cup of water and the other empty. He handed the toothbrush and the cup filled with water to the girl’s hand, and took the empty cup to catch the mouthwash the girl spit out. Zheng Yan was extremely embarrassed, but with Wang Bo’s unquestionable attitude, she had no choice but to obey.
After brushing his teeth, Wang Bo put the cup and toothbrush back into the bathroom, then twisted out a cold towel and let his pretty secretary wash her face.
After washing her face and gargling her mouth, Zheng Yan finally felt a little more relaxed. She was no longer so tired, and at least she had some energy.
Wang Bo opened the lid of the plastic bowl containing preserved egg and lean me