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se Yin Kuang and the others as an excuse to get rid of us in one fell swoop! At this moment, the Sun and Liu alliances are immersed in hatred for Cao Cao, and anyone suspicious, even if they are unjustly accused , will also be swallowed up by this resentment. Not to mention the class 1207 form, which is becoming more and more unfavorable to my class. Yin Kuang, do you have a way to deal with it?”

se Yin Kuang and the others as an excuse to get rid of us in one fell swoop! At this moment, the Sun and Liu alliances are immersed in hatred for Cao Cao, and anyone suspicious, even if they are unjustly accused , will also be swallowed up by this resentment. Not to mention the class 1207 form, which is becoming more and more unfavorable to my class. Yin Kuang, do you have a way to deal with it?”
Li Shuangmu thought as he picked it up from the ground. A intact long sword, and then immediately dialed the channel of the others: “We have been exposed! Evacuate Liu Bei’s camp immediately! We first dispersed and escaped from the camp, and then met at Yanbo Town ten miles away. Remember, there is only one of us. Escape time safely.”
“Yeah.” ”

“Right away!”
Soon after, there were figures one after another, shuttled in the shadow of Liu Jun’s camp, and finally merged into the vast blackness among the mountains.
At about the same time, a group of people walked out of the Chinese army’s tent.
Liu Xuande in coarse cloth and straw sandals, Guan Yunchang in red face and green robe, Zhang Yide with black face and steel beard, Zhao Zilong in white armor and silver spear, and Zhuge Liang in white shirt and feather fan!
Seeing those black shadows finally disappearing, Zhuge Liang raised his hands and said, “Master, if they escape without authorization, they have committed a serious crime of beheading. Master, there is no need to worry about anything else, and you can rest assured to get rid of them.”
“They are gone after all.” Liu Bei looked at it. Zhuge Liang took a look and looked up at the surrounding dark mountains. “If possible, maybe we can spare their lives when we meet on the battlefield in the future.”
Zhuge Liang quickly said: “My lord is kind. But on the battlefield, women must not be allowed.” Such benevolence. My lord, please don’t forget how many people and soldiers Cao Cao slaughtered along the way. Compared with them, these few people are nothing. My lord, please think again.”
Zhang Fei said: “Yes, brother . If the military advisor hadn’t insisted on waiting for an hour, I would have already ordered all the troops and horses to kill the general.”
As for Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, they were silent.
That’s what war is like.
On the battlefield, human life, morality, nothing else!
Victory is the only thing; survival is victory!
“Alas,” Liu Bei sighed and said, “Let everything be done by Mr. Zhuge Liang.”
/Zhuge Liang said, “There is no need to bother the generals in chasing down a group of thieves. It only requires a few young generals from the Feiyu Department and a dozen cavalry. It’s enough. However, General Zhang and General Guan need to tell them to kill half of them, but not to kill them all.”
/Zhang Fei blew his beard and stared, “Military advisor, why is this? You can’t kill them all, so it’s better not to kill them all. Kill! How can there be such a pursuit?”
Zhuge Liang said: “If we kill them all, we will get nothing. If we leave a few people, maybe we can get unexp