3 mins read

with the underworld and enter the body to gain the power to display the magical powers of the worshiped gods. The witchcraft gained through practice is running in the soul.

with the underworld and enter the body to gain the power to display the magical powers of the worshiped gods. The witchcraft gained through practice is running in the soul.
One of the two pursues the surging power in flesh and blood, and the other pursues the mighty power in the soul. They are basically two systems. As soon as he obtained the secret method of sacrificing the door in China, Li Sheng discovered that he had the power of the Nine Witches of the Death Gate and The Sacrifice Sect inheritance couldn’t ‘respond’ at all, but due to the environment at that time, he didn’t really concentrate on studying it. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t help but sink into deep thought.
While the tribal attackers were thinking wildly with a hammer and a stick, tiny cracks began to appear on the tribal totem pole soaked in the blood of four to five hundred strong ‘Tudenan’ men.
Chapter 393: ‘Rebirth’
The bright red blood climbed up the cracks on the stone pillar, exuding a hot breath like magma. After a while, faint black smoke came out of the burning totem pole. Seeing that the vision finally appeared, hundreds of thousands of natives became even more crazy. Ordinary tribesmen crawled on the ground and shouted at the top of their lungs at the tribal attackers, “Great Zhang Lisheng, you are the guardian who maintains the inheritance of believers. You It is our living faith…”; and the warrior leaders even more bravely rushed to chop off their heads under the stone pillars.
In the continuous sacrifice of souls and lives, the traces of cracks on the tribal totem poles gradually spread. Those on the stone pillars belong to ‘Tudenan’ and dozens of hell tribes conquered by ‘Tudenan’ are ancient. The inherited reliefs of monsters and giant beasts shattered into pieces one by one and turned into nothing.
At the same time that the sculpture was shattered, Zhang Lisheng, who was thinking about the similarities and differences between the “Witch” way to death and the secret method of worshiping the gate from the source, suddenly felt a heat in his eyebrows, and the method of “turning into a witch” that he had inadvertently meditated on for the sacrifice gate suddenly succeeded.
Then his eyes blurred, and he felt inexplicably that his body seemed to be hanging high in the air, and then a long-lost fear grew in his heart, making the hairs on the young man’s back stand up one by one.
“What, what’s going on…” Zhang Lisheng calmed down and murmured in surprise. Looking at his feet, what he saw was dense golden hair that covered half of his thighs.
“This, this is…” Looking around, he suddenly discovered that where he was standing was the head of a terrifying giant ape with three heads and six arms, and golden hair all over his body.
/“It’s the Monkey King of the ‘Oasis World’, but it’s bigger. What’s going on…” Zhang Lisheng was in a trance for a while, thinking of the cruel methods of the monkeys in the ‘Oasis World’ that could destroy the world with pure violence, and he came back to his senses. After arriv