3 mins read

Kong coughed a few times. , said: “Oh, that’s good, that’s good. Alas, it’s still early for the two-day deadline. You guys, look at my memory, I almost forgot.” He coughed a few more times and said: ” A young man named Li Shuangmu came to my place before. He was full of demonic aura, and he must have fought a fierce battle with a powerful monster. He left a message saying that if you come to me, I will let you go to the city. Go to the Yuelai Inn to find him.”

Kong coughed a few times. , said: “Oh, that’s good, that’s good. Alas, it’s still early for the two-day deadline. You guys, look at my memory, I almost forgot.” He coughed a few more times and said: ” A young man named Li Shuangmu came to my place before. He was full of demonic aura, and he must have fought a fierce battle with a powerful monster. He left a message saying that if you come to me, I will let you go to the city. Go to the Yuelai Inn to find him.”
“This is the only good news today.” Tang Rouyu thought, and then said, “What about the others? And where is the little girl Changsheng?” Young Master Kong shook his feather fan, Said: “You will know after you go to Yuelai Inn and see it. Cough cough cough!!” At this time, Bai Xue stood up and said: “Master Kong Kong, I know a little bit about doctors, can you let me see your doctor?” Injury?” Mr. Kong Kong smiled and said, “The little beauty is kind-hearted. It’s a pity that your ordinary medicine and soup can’t cure me. But if you are willing, you might as well stay and have a drink with me today to relieve my pain of emptiness. .”
Bai Xue felt embarrassed for a while.
In the laughter of Master Kong Kong, Tang Rouyu and others left the thatched cottage and hurried to the Yuelai Inn in the city. Such a famous inn is naturally quite easy to find. As soon as I entered Yuelai Inn, I happened to bump into Leng Huaping.
/“Where are you Yin Kuang? What’s wrong with Qian Qianqian?” Leng Huaping stepped forward and asked. Tang Rouyu sighed, “It’s hard to explain. What about you? Why can’t I contact you all the time?” Leng Huaping sighed, “It’s also difficult to explain. Let’s go upstairs. Shuangmu and the others are upstairs.” As soon as
Tang Rouyu and others entered the house , everyone was stunned immediately.
/The lanterns are on. However, Shanglou City was completely dark. Some places were still lit with lanterns, while the rest were shrouded in darkness.
During this special period, once the city gate is closed, it means the beginning of the curfew.
“Huh!” After listening to Leng Huaping’s narration, Tang Rouyu and others understood what happened, and at the same time they were very grateful to be able to see them again.
It turned out that after Li Shuangmu and the others separated from them, they followed the talisman Zhihe called “Meeting Thousands of Miles Away” and chased them for more than two hundred miles before catching up with Qi Xiaoyun and Zhong Limo. At first, the two of them were certainly not willing to hand over Xiao Changsheng so easily and return to the team with Li Shuangmu and others. Originally, Wang Ning wanted to get rid of the two of them directly, but was stopped by Li Shuangmu. The reason is that “the world is already dangerous enough. If you focus on internal fighting, you will be seeking your own death.” At the same time, Li Shuangmu also said that as long as Qi Xiaoyun and Zhong Limo handed over their longevity and returned to the team, he could not care about their previous mistakes.
Just when Qi Xiaoyun and Zhong Limo