3 mins read

id of the poison, but he said he can’t cure soldiers,” Li Qingming said loudly, “The key is that he said he can cure my poison, not the injuries I suffered while defending China?”

id of the poison, but he said he can’t cure soldiers,” Li Qingming said loudly, “The key is that he said he can cure my poison, not the injuries I suffered while defending China?”
Kun Shuaiyang chinned, “Yeah , you continue talking.”
“I want to capture him and cure my poison,” Li Qingming is indeed a fool, he spoke loudly, “What I am worried about is that he is kind to Mr. Qu, and I am not afraid of Qu Shengnan. , I’m just afraid that you’ll think too much.”
/“You bastard,” Kun scolded him handsomely, “That’s a seminarian from Chaoyang Daxiu Hall, you dare to do it?” There are
people from the Dao Palace around that guy, so what? Li Qingming knew this very well, and he said simply, “He will always leave the monastery. Can’t I just catch him outside the monastery?”
Kun Shuai looked at him with interest, “After arresting him, What?”
“If he can help me detoxify, of course I will thank him heavily,” Li Qingming replied matter-of-factly, “I’m not afraid that he will use false means to hide it from me, but I’m afraid that you will misunderstand me.”
Kun Shuai gave him a disdainful look. , “Can you tell when the doctor is using false tactics? Or can you guard against it?”
“I have my own way,” Li Qingming replied nonchalantly. The reason why he was regarded as a fool was because he acted unreasonably and dared to Cure the bad. Believe it or not, I will make your life worse than death?
Of course, if Li Yongsheng is willing to do his best to cure him, he will really not hesitate to reward him.
In fact, when he was poisoned, it was also very painful. He asked himself, that level of pain was definitely not inferior to Qu Shengnan’s.
However, he is a strong person, and because of his bad temper, he has offended some people. Even because of his status as a Miao, he is currently forcibly suppressing those people in the Li family. If he is deemed unfit for use by the inner court and the military, the consequences will be real. Too serious.
So he didn’t want to publicize his pain – he just suffered in silence.
Of course, the most important reason is that if he can get rid of his chronic illness and regain his status as a cultivator, it would be normal for him to move up the ranks, instead of just holding a casual position in the Military Service Department as he does now.
“I don’t agree,” Kun Shuai shook his head lightly, but his tone was unquestionable, “It’s not convenient for me to touch Lian Ying, but there is no problem in protecting myself in the capital.” ”
/But he has resentment towards the military. ,” Li Qingming’s voice became louder, “You said you can’t cure the soldiers!”
“Tsk,” Kun Shuai snorted disdainfully, “You can’t cure the soldiers? He treated Xiao Qu. You should find the reason in yourself.”
“I’ll tell you. I have no friendship with the boy named Lian.” Li Qingming felt that he was greatly wronged.
As a matter of course, he told the whole story, and finally emphasized, “I beat that guy, but Li Yongsheng still wants to hold a grudge. Could it be that he wants me to kick him out of