3 mins read

Kong Customs and Hong Kong police assisted in the contract transfer; your son Yu Xiaodong was kidnapped by Guo Mengchen, and I assisted in rescuing it. It’s no harm to your parents, no crime to your wife and children. You don’t need to thank me, and I don’t expect your gratitude. I just want to tell you. Skynet will not miss anything, and I will try every means to capture you at all costs to face the sanctions of mainland law!”

Kong Customs and Hong Kong police assisted in the contract transfer; your son Yu Xiaodong was kidnapped by Guo Mengchen, and I assisted in rescuing it. It’s no harm to your parents, no crime to your wife and children. You don’t need to thank me, and I don’t expect your gratitude. I just want to tell you. Skynet will not miss anything, and I will try every means to capture you at all costs to face the sanctions of mainland law!”
After saying this, Han Bo walked out of the interview room without looking back.
The lawyer was stunned, and Yu Shaodong was frightened.
On the way, he coughed dryly and sighed softly: “He is not joking, and he does not only have Cai Xingbin in his hands. Mr. Yu, have a good talk with your lawyer, don’t spend half your life joking.” ”
He’s gone!”
/“I Help you hold him for five minutes, five minutes at most.”
The police will arrest their client, but their attitude on this issue should be the same. There is no rule of law in the mainland, so how can they hand over a Hong Kong citizen to the mainland.
Lawyer Wang nodded gratefully, watched Lu Zhongcai follow him out, and said eagerly: “Mr. Yu, Sir Lu should be talking about the Donghai businessman who defrauded the major shareholders of the listed company. If we can get him and Cai Xingbin from If the mainland takes over, the courts, Security Bureau, and Department of Justice will be very willing to do this deal, because in their eyes, you are just an insignificant person.” “As
for the law, Lawyer Wang, Hong Kong has laws!”
“They can Citing some cases, they will even follow some international judicial cooperation practices and make some special arrangements. The mainland police are right, the law is made by people.” ”
How can this be so, Lawyer Wang, you must help me!” Yu Shaodong was anxious , for fear of being handed over.
“Influence, what we are fighting for now is influence! If you replace those two people, the citizens will only applaud and applaud, and no one will cry out for you.” “Where is the
Legislative Council?”
“Same, you must know that if there is an exchange, the mainland will also have to make the same decision Compromise will not damage Hong Kong’s judicial independence or Hong Kong’s right of final adjudication.”
It turns out that committing a crime will have repercussions!
Yu Shaodong was completely confused. He held his arm tightly and asked, “What should I do now? Lawyer Wang, please, you are the only one who can help me.” ”
The only way is to take a gamble and talk to him.”
“He won’t make promises. Why should you believe him if he gives you a letter of amnesty?”
“Mr. Yu, he is right, you have no choice but to gamble. But if he promises to give a letter of amnesty, we can’t believe it, because as far as I know, the mainland judicial authorities He has only made promises such as not imposing the death penalty, and has never granted amnesty to anyone except some political prisoners.”
“Can his promise be fulfilled?”
/“We can find the media, and as long as the conditions are negotiated, we