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the cold and arrogant Ning Xiaoning show such a little girl. He didn’t know what to say and his eyes were a little dull. Ning Xi looked at the two of them with interest, then suddenly pinched Ning Xiaoning’s face and burst into laughter: “My snow beauty is getting cuter and cuter, ha!”

the cold and arrogant Ning Xiaoning show such a little girl. He didn’t know what to say and his eyes were a little dull. Ning Xi looked at the two of them with interest, then suddenly pinched Ning Xiaoning’s face and burst into laughter: “My snow beauty is getting cuter and cuter, ha!”
Ning Xiaoning glared at Ning Xi. , rubbed her face very dissatisfied, seeing that Wen Liang still looked stupid, somehow a faint tenderness surged from the bottom of her heart, but she still tried her best to hold back the smile that was about to fill her lips, and returned to her usual self. He looked cold and arrogant, squinting at Wen Liang, snorting disdainfully, as if the cunning and cute Ning Xiaoning had never appeared at that moment.
Wen Liang coughed dryly, woke up from his trance, and said, “Well, this is a very correct attitude. It really shocked me just now.”
What kind of spirit is this? This is the legendary scoundrel!
Ning Xiaoning curled her lips and turned away, her thoughts drifting to far away places for a while. For some reason, she suddenly thought of Xu Yao, and her heart felt a little sour and a little painful!
While Ning Xiaoning was distracted, Ning Xi whispered: “Boy, are you very clever? Xiao Ning rarely looks like this.”
Wen Liang smiled slightly, did not answer her words, and put down the hand in his hand. Milk Tea, leaned back on the chair, took out a thick plan and handed it over, saying: “Let’s talk business, this is a detailed development plan, take a look, I can answer any questions on the spot, and strive to satisfy everyone. .”
Ning Xi took it and shook it, then put it in her bag without looking at it. Then she took out another document and put it on the table. After thinking for a while, she suddenly said: “It’s okay to invest in Qinghe, but I want to Holding!”
This sentence was so lethal that even Ning Xiaoning was shocked back to reality. She was obviously taken aback. She looked at Ning Xi’s side face, her mouth slightly opened, and she was stunned. No words were spoken. She knew that Ning Xi had made the decision to invest, but she had never expressed her intention to hold a controlling stake. With her tender feelings for Qing He, it was impossible to accept such conditions.
Ning Xiaoning looked at Wen Liang worriedly, fearing that he would leave in anger. The poor little Loli didn’t know yet that just outside the restaurant, the two people she was trying to bring together to cooperate had already had a confrontation.
This time, it’s just a continuation of the war!
Wen Liang’s face was as calm as water, showing no sign of surprise at all. He stared at Ning Xi’s pretty face and said quietly, “Absolutely impossible!”
“Five million!” Ning Xi spread her right hand, slender fingers As beautiful and charming as a white jade carving, she said: “This price is enough to buy a hundred Qinghe.”
/Wen Liang said with a smile: “But five million can’t buy a hair on my head!”
A trace of sarcasm appeared on Ning Xi’s lips: “Young “Humility is the virtue of Chinese people. You must be s