3 mins read

u can only use the most violent means to save people from the cannibal tribe. There is no other way except massacre.” Zhang Lisheng thought for a while and said calmly.

u can only use the most violent means to save people from the cannibal tribe. There is no other way except massacre.” Zhang Lisheng thought for a while and said calmly.
“People who eat the same kind of people cannot be called human beings at all. No matter
how many more such devils are killed, they will only be praised by God.” Tracey said fiercely with an unprecedented twisted expression on her face stained with the blood of the natives.
“But there will be children, women, old people in a tribe…”
“Devils living in purgatory, there are no innocent people.” Tracey said a famous saying of the medieval Crusaders during the expedition.
“Then what are we waiting for? According to the physical condition of the fugitive, the cannibal tribe should not be far away from us.” Zhang Lisheng curled his lips and drove the island dragon to reveal its body and climb up the spine of the witch insect.
/While walking along the footprints of the natives, he had been silently calculating the gains he could get this time. Killing a native tribe would at least allow him to break through to become a four witch, or even a five witch. To do this, he should It won’t be too difficult.
After riding the island dragon through the rainforest for more than ten minutes, the three of them finally heard the faint sound of noisy people again.
“I didn’t expect that the fugitive ran so far. Fortunately, there were many natives chasing him, otherwise I might not have been able to find their lair.
You hide first when we take action later, and I will take action myself. Well, ordinary The native tribe should not exceed a thousand people, and the cannibals will only be smaller. I can finish it in one or two hours at most.”
There are cannibals, but after all, there are hundreds or thousands of lives, Zhang Lisheng said calmly These words made Tracy, who was suffering from the pain of losing her brother and hated the cannibal natives, shudder.
But this time she didn’t express any objection. Instead, she gritted her teeth with a pale face and said, “We can take care of ourselves, so just go ahead and do it.” It’s
easy to blame others, but it’s hard to blame yourself. Some things can only fall on yourself. Only then can we understand how difficult it is to achieve the word “forgiveness”.
Zhang Lisheng nodded silently and drove Daolong to walk in the direction of the sound.
The roar of people became louder and louder, and was mixed with the sound of gurgling water. The young man muttered a witchcraft spell in a low voice to make the witch bug stop. He climbed down the back of the island dragon and said in a low voice: “Tina, Tracy, this place is off the soil.” The human tribe is very close, you should find a place to hide.”
The two girls nodded, climbed down from the island dragon, found a hole in a giant tree that could be seen everywhere in the jungle, and hid in spite of the filth.
Seeing the girl hiding, Zhang Lisheng grabbed the mud on the ground and covered it all over his body. As a protective look, he quietly sneaked toward