3 mins read

children patiently waited for their favorite browned and crispy pancakes to come out of the pan, chatting and laughing comfortably. Such a warm moment of family happiness with their mother had never happened before in Zhang Lisheng’s memory, and the young man could not help but cherish it. While talking, he looked out the window at the clean street that looked like it had been specially cleaned after the rain; the trees on the roadside that looked full of life after drinking enough rain; the face of the sky that showed a clear blue color without a single cloud, and was always full of smiles. , but he did not expect that along his gaze, stretching infinitely, penetrating the clouds and stars in the vast universe, a huge fleet made of strange metals shining with moist light would soon change all the people on earth, including him. An already confused and frightened fate.

children patiently waited for their favorite browned and crispy pancakes to come out of the pan, chatting and laughing comfortably. Such a warm moment of family happiness with their mother had never happened before in Zhang Lisheng’s memory, and the young man could not help but cherish it. While talking, he looked out the window at the clean street that looked like it had been specially cleaned after the rain; the trees on the roadside that looked full of life after drinking enough rain; the face of the sky that showed a clear blue color without a single cloud, and was always full of smiles. , but he did not expect that along his gaze, stretching infinitely, penetrating the clouds and stars in the vast universe, a huge fleet made of strange metals shining with moist light would soon change all the people on earth, including him. An already confused and frightened fate.
“Tauris, what are you thinking about? “In an inconspicuous battleship on the side of a fleet composed of hundreds of huge irregular shuttle-shaped spaceships emitting dazzling light, there was a slender, graceful body tightly wrapped in a soft silver spacesuit. The woman was looking at the vast universe in front of the observation window with a blank look on her face. Suddenly she heard a soft voice coming from behind her. She
/turned around in a panic and saw that the questioner behind her was a man with sparse, dry red short hair on his head and a dress full of embroidery. The old man in pure black robes dotted with starlight, and his facial features were full of benevolent temperament. The woman’s stiff body relaxed a little, lowered her head and stuttered in reply: “No, I didn’t think anything of it, wise man Queworth.
“Really, but I saw your panic, child. ” “The old man smiled, shook his head gently, and said calmly.
“I, I am panicking because I have been on the spaceship for too long. It may be the early symptoms of the ‘Cosmic Blindness Syndrome’, the wise man Quavos. , I, I will go find a medic to deal with it. “The woman explained stutteringly.
/At this time, a mechanical female voice came from the curved ceiling of the wide semicircular spacecraft corridor: “Manager Tauris, Manager Tauris, please go to the IT0981 cabin and be on standby. Please come… on standby. ”
Hearing the call, Tauris breathed a sigh of relief and said to the old man: “Wise Man Quevos, the officer is calling me. I, I should go. “A faint white light emitted from the whole body, and the body levitated.
“Go, child, when you are confused, you only need to remember that you were born in this universe and you are an intelligent human being, which is proof that the universe cares for you. “Looking at the woman’s feet leaving the ground with loving eyes, the old man opened his arms and made a gesture as if he wanted to embrace the vast universe outside the window. He turned around and walked slowly and steadily towards the distance. After
taking a few steps, suddenly behind him A hesitant and hesitant voice sounded: “Sage Kuivos, can I ask you a question? Since I