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told us that Zhang Ziang and I were involved in the case, so the two of us need to participate as the main body. As for the three of them, give them these. The information only lets them know what we are doing and can help us when necessary. The three of them have other specific tasks, so they cannot focus entirely on this serial case. At this point, Fan Zhen’s meaning is already obvious. Now, these cases are for me and Zhang Ziang to complete.

told us that Zhang Ziang and I were involved in the case, so the two of us need to participate as the main body. As for the three of them, give them these. The information only lets them know what we are doing and can help us when necessary. The three of them have other specific tasks, so they cannot focus entirely on this serial case. At this point, Fan Zhen’s meaning is already obvious. Now, these cases are for me and Zhang Ziang to complete.
In fact, what Fan Zhen said is very reasonable. He said that too many people make things difficult, and too many masters make a house crooked. Sometimes too many people cannot solve the problem. The key is to see if there is a way to solve the problem.
/I am not here during this period and do not know the latest progress of the case. Fan Zhen said that Zhang Ziang will tell me some of our latest discoveries and decisions later. When he said this, he looked at his watch and said that he still had a meeting to attend, so he had to leave first and let us collect our thoughts.
After Fan Zhen left, Zhang Ziang and I went to a separate office. He took out another folder, but instead of giving it to me directly, he took out everything in it and showed it to me.
The first one was a test report. He said that they compared the DNA of the child in Ma Liyang’s wife’s belly and found a very surprising fact. The DNA of the child in her belly was exactly the same as that of his dead son. When I heard the word “identical”, I was completely shocked, because even identical twins cannot be exactly the same, there will be some subtle differences.
Zhang Ziang saw my surprise and told me that it was indeed exactly the same, so they suspected that the child was not someone else’s, but his son’s. As for the method of conception, it was probably the latest cloning method used to obtain his son’s The genetic material is then injected into the mother’s egg cells.
This discovery was shocking, so Fan Zhen was very cautious about this matter, for fear of making a mistake. He confirmed it three times in total, all at different authoritative agencies, and the results were exactly the same. Only then did he confirm the case, so this case There is probably a cutting-edge medical expert or the like involved behind it, otherwise ordinary people would simply not be able to do such a thing.
As for Ma Liyang’s wife’s pregnancy, it is not yet certain whether she knew about it, because how the genetic material was injected is still a mystery. Was it voluntary, without her knowledge, or was it forcibly kidnapped? , are possible.
Whether this discovery is related to the death of Ma Liyang’s wife and children has yet to be confirmed, but it does provide many possibilities for this case. When I heard this, I was just wondering if I had the same relationship with that person. If so, it would be terrible. I couldn’t even think about what conspiracy would follow.
The second one is a report on Zhang Huayan’s rotten corpse in 801. It confirms the speculation after seeing the rotten corpse. When he saw it, Zh