3 mins read

, in order to determine the situation of captain Dunn Smith, he decided to eliminate all interference and perform divination above the gray fog.

Holding the pendulum in his left hand, Klein silently recited the divination sentence seven times, closed his eyes, and entered a meditative state.
After stabilizing for a few seconds, he opened his eyes, and his darkened eyes returned to normal.
He looked at the citrine pendant, and his heart gradually sank, because the pendulum was rotating clockwise, with a large amplitude and a slow speed.
This shows that the answer is yes.
This shows that Dunn Smith’s abnormality will put him in danger
And the risk is not low
After closing his eyes, Klein “erased” the previous content and wrote a new divination sentence:
“The Cause of Dunn Smith’s Anomaly.”
He placed the citrine pendant, leaned back on the chair, silently recited the divination sentence, and used meditation to enter the dreamland.
In that gray and illusory world, he saw nothing, found nothing, except gray, still gray.
/“This shows that there is insufficient information and the divination failed.” Klein opened his eyes and looked at the parchment on the long bronze table, and whispered bitterly and helplessly.
Suddenly, he felt intense fatigue and understood that this was the result of fierce fighting, continuous use of rituals, and multiple divination.
Wrapping himself with spirituality, Klein fell into the gray mist and returned to the real world.
Throughout the night, he had several nightmares, which ended with either Cornley vomiting his internal organs, or Dunn Smith with dark red blood around his mouth.
At this time, the civilian staff such as Rosanne and Mrs. Oriana had not yet gone to work. Klein walked through the partition, looked at the open door, and saw Dunn Smith in the captain’s office.
Dunn took off his coat, leaving only a white shirt and a black vest on his upper body. He was sitting on his seat, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, staring blankly at the wall in front of him.
His hair was slightly dry, his gray eyes were dim, and his hard-lined face showed obvious haggardness.
Even for the captain who has experienced similar things many times, losing two teammates in a short period of time was unbearable. Klein felt sour in his heart. The broken mirror suddenly appeared in his mind, and Dunn’s half appeared. The lying body and the face stained with dark blood.
Klein gritted his teeth suddenly, turned his head, and looked to the side.
After more than ten seconds passed, he controlled his expression, reached out and knocked on the door of the captain’s office.
/Boom, boom, boom.
Dunn put down the coffee cup, his gray eyes becoming dark again.
He took a breath silently and said:
“I have reported the matter to the Holy Church, and they have also given a preliminary reply.”
“The church will compensate Conley’s family 3,000 pounds, and the police department will provide a 1,000 pound pension.”
The total is 4,000 pounds, which is a wealth that most middle-class people cannot accumulate